Animation & Video Games

Over the last decade Dave has worked in video games and animation with companies such as RockStar Video Games and Aniboom animation, Fox Sports and Inside College Football (as an announcer). Dave’s animation reel shows his extreme range with characters, comic timing and his ability to improvise.


Dave’s voice, character and ability with improv allows him to play a variety of character types when it comes to advertising, often finding that hidden comedic beat or button in the booth. Most recently Dave has done work for Coors Light, UPS, JetBlue and JIF Peanut Butter. For radio, television and industrials, Dave has become the go-to-guy when casting needs that befuddled father, nervous office colleague, blue collar worker or that gentle, reassuring voice of the holidays.

Dave is represented by CESD Talent in New York
For Commercial VO inquiries please contact
Billy Collura at bcollura@cesdtalent.com

Anita Reilly at areilly@cesdtalent.com

For interactives, animation & promos inquiries please contact
Marla Webber Green at mwebergreen@cesdtalent.com
Christian Sparks at csparks@cesdtalent.com